
A journal of kitchen creations


Toronto Flower Market Update #3

Sweet Flora wrapped up the market season at this past Saturday's Toronto Flower Market. As always, the market was bustling and full of bright, beautiful blooms. A big thank you to the friends and family that showed up in support, and the lovely customers that stopped to chat and enjoy my offerings. 

The results are now in and it's clear that dragonfruit shortbread cookies were by far the most popular. I'm not surprised. Pretty pink colour, and a hint of fruity tang works so nicely with a shortbread cookie. Vanilla and matcha also sold well. I'll  be making more of these in the future!

This ends the 2023 market season for me.  Fortunately, the garden will be blooming for a few more weeks, and I've been able to press and preserve many edible petals over the summer. There will be plenty to adorn baked goods over the cooler months while we wait for next year's garden and market season.